IPC Alumni Charter

An important short document, detailing the nature of the IPC Alumni as an organisation. It contains how we’re structured, governed and our responsibilites, along with our purpose. Think of it like our own little constitution.

The Alumni of The International People’s College Charter

§1 The aim of The Alumni is to bring together former and present students in common activities with The International People’s College and to spread knowledge about the school.

§1.1 The legal name of the organization IPC Alumni.

§1.2 IPC Alumni is a non-profit organization, which means it has a statutory obligation to not distribute profits to individual members on anyone else. Any profits are to be reinvested for purposes in accordance with the aims of Alumni as mentioned in §1.

§2 Any current or former course participant, or non-staff resident can
become a member of IPC Alumni. Permanent membership is gained by a
one-time membership payment and a one-time contribution to the
scholarship fund decided upon by the general assembly every year.

§3 The general assembly of the Alumni is the highest authority. The Ordinary general assembly is held every year at The International People’s College or online coinciding with the Reunion Weekend. Should the Reunion Weekend not take place, it is held before the end of December. The call for the ordinary general assembly will be communicated to the Alumni members electronically at least four weeks prior to the meeting day. The following agenda is mandatory at the ordinary general assembly.

1) Approval of the agenda. Election of chair person and minutes taker

2) Situation report from the board

3) Approval of the revised yearly accounts

4) Election of Board members Accountant and substitute accountant

5) Stipulation of the yearly membership payment

6) Upcoming activities

7) New proposals

8) Any other business

An extraordinary general assembly can be called for with two weeks notice if the board finds it necessary or if at least fifty members request one in writing (electronically or by letter).

§3.1 All members registered as voters with IPC Alumni at least one week
prior to the general assembly may take part in the decision making
process. Decisions are adopted by a simple majority of votes cast.
Changes to the charter of IPC Alumni can be agreed upon only by a ¾
majority of votes cast. The Principal of IPC is allowed to participate as an
observer. Current students are allowed to participate as observers.

§3.2 Decision-making and elections are conducted using a secure,
anonymous, online voting system. Candidates for the election announce
their candidacy through publicly declaring it on one of IPC Alumni’s online
forms specified by the IPC Alumni board at the time of the announcement of
the General Assembly. The voting procedure starts at the end of the
General Assembly and is open for 24 hours.[Anyone currently attending
their first IPC term during the GA cannot run for the board]

§4 Nine Alumni members are elected as board members for a two year term. Elections are held every year. Election of board members alternates; one year four are elected and the next year five. The board will constitute itself with a chairperson, a vice chairperson, a treasurer , a project coordinator and a secretary. After constituting itself, all board members need to sign a document confirming the constitution.

§4.1 The board meets at least four times a year. Board decisions are adopted by a simple majority vote. The agenda for the meeting is posted at least one week in advance. At board meetings a minute taker is elected and minutes are published electronically no later than 1 week after the meeting. At least five of the nine board members must be present at any board meeting.

§4.2 In case a board member steps down before the end of their term or requests a temporary leave of absence, a personal substitute can be elected at the next General Assembly or an Extraordinary General Assembly.

§5 The financial year runs from the 1st of January to 31st of December . The financial statement must be approved by the accountant elected by the general assembly. The financial statement must be approved by the accountant before the ordinary general assembly.

§6 The chairperson, vice chairperson, the project coordinator and the treasurer are each authorized signatories and legal representatives of The Alumni.

§7 The Alumni can cease to exist if at least ¾ of the participating members on 2 subsequent general assemblies vote for it and if the Alumni‘s assets are used for purposes in accordance with the aims of the Alumni as described in § 1.

§8 If a member does not live up to the core values of the International
People’s College, and a unanimous board finds it necessary, they can have
their membership permanently or temporarily revoked. The specified
member has the right to have their case heard with the board prior to a
decision being made.

§9 This charter replaces the previous charters of “The Student Union of The
International People’s College”, “The Self Owning Institution The Students’ Home” and “The Rules for the Fund of the Cottage”. These three organizations have hereby merged into one

Approved of at the general assembly on the 26th of September 2009

Approved of at the extraordinary general assembly on the 19th of October 2014.

Approved of at the general assembly on the 19th of September 2015

Approved of at the extraordinary general assembly on the 30th July 2016

Approved of at the ordinary general assembly on the 8th of October 2016

Approved of at the extraordinary general assembly on the 12th November 2016

Approved of at the extraordinary general assembly on the 4th March 2017

Approved of at the ordinary general assembly on the 21 of April 2018

Approved of at the ordinary general assembly on the 2nd of May 2020

Approved of at the ordinary general assembly on the 8th of May 2021